Alright guys! I'm gonna give you a review about my looks when I came to Indonesia Fashion Week 2013. I had a different look & style everyday. How colorful my life is! The outfit I wore representing me & my personal style depends on my mood. Seriously, I don't know what words are suitable to describe my style. Long time ago, I said my style is edgy black. because, I REALLY LOVE BLACK! feeling so comfortable and more confidence when I'm wearing all black head to toe and can't live without black. But, you can see all my photos in the above. I was wearing all different colors in every looks. See, the photo in the middle, I was wearing all blue! Well, just because black never goes wrong, it doesn't mean colorful is not right. CORRECT? My life is too short to not trying something new! Oh btw, sorry for keep posting and talking about my outfit to Indonesia Fashion Week 2013 instead of my outfit to Plaza Indonesia Fashion Week 2013. THIS IS JUST A REVIEW! I promise to post all my outfit looks at Plaza Indonesia Fashion Week 2013 very soon. In case you haven't seen all my outfit post at IFW2013, please check my outfit post Day1, Day3, and Day4. Thank you everyone!
see yaa bye
Fahad Scale