YEAH! After struggled for almost 4 years in college life, It's officially I got my bachelor degree in communication! YEAY YEAY YEAY! So happy to the moon and back! For my special graduation day, I choose a special suit designed by the rising menswear designer in town named Dhanny! His suits has been wearing by many famous Indonesian celebrities & models. Isn't COOL, huh? I wrapped in 3 piece suit with plaid / square pattern from Dhanst by Dhanny. He focused on menswear with many variety of suits with bold color, neon color, patterns, etc.
Saturday, December 20, 2014
Monday, December 15, 2014
Classic Suit & Tie
Back in time to the day when I was so freaking happy inside outside because I nailed the presentation for my final project defense and I GOT AN EXCELLENT SCORE!!! All the pain that I had struggled was worth! I'm done with my college life and soon to be a bachelor degree in communication. I took Public Relations as my concentration. If you think studying in communication is easy, YOU DEFINITELY MUST TRY IT and tell me later how do you feel!
Saturday, December 13, 2014
Review Outfit: Jakarta Fashion Week 2015
Hello guys! How you feeling today? I hope you guys had a great day and wishing you all an awesome weekend of course! You might have seen my previous posts all about Jakarta Fashion Week 2015 outfit. Here is the review of my outfit to Jakarta Fashion Week 2015. Which outfit is your favorite?
Friday, December 5, 2014
Army Punk Rock: Jakarta Fashion Week 2015 Outfit Day 7
How I realized that I really love on making an extravagant look! I love challenge and I love challenging myself! I must say wearing a big skirt in public is a challenge & that's not even easy! I FEEL YOU GIRLS! And yup, wearing skirt in public is so strange. Wrapped in my very first design army bikers suit combined with FIERCE SPIKE THING and maxi tutu skirt as tail skirt. Another thing is people pointed at me like they are seeing another species from another planet. I dress in a different way than any other men in general. I really don't care about what anyone thinks of me. I am who I am, I do what I want & I don't live to please you. I'm proud of being me!
Sunday, November 30, 2014
I Am Not a Fashion Police: Jakarta Fashion Week 2015 Outfit Day 6
Every day is a new beginning. Every day is a good day. Every day is a perfect day to start something new and explore what you really want. I'm switching every day to explore my creativity on styling myself and to try something that I never done before. Remember the Y.O.L.O tagline! Actually the black top under my H&M structured blazer is just a turtleneck top, which is usually covered my neck. My experiment that day, I didn't roll down the neck part like I used to be instead of let it up and worn as half face mask, because I definitely don't plan to talk to everyone. So, mouth closed for a day!
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
FEATURED: Street Style Jakarta Fashion Week 2015 Day 7 on
What can I say about this amazing shoot by Kaymori? He captured the best detail on the street of my outfit to Jakarta Fashion Week 2015 Day 7, which is the last closing day of JFW. I feel so honored to be featured (again) on "STREET STYLE" page on day 7. I attended five days from the seven days of fashion week and get featured fourth times in a week with 5 photos on from close up, detail outfit and full body. IT'S MAJOR!!! There's no words to describe my feeling right now! Are you curious with my whole outfit on that day? Stay on the blog, cause I will update soon!
Friday, November 21, 2014
Setting Fashion Future: Jakarta Fashion Week 2015 #4 Outfit
Walking down to the street right after BNSDxJFW2015 show, I was coming to support my baby girl the future designer in fashion Avridya Keumala and I felt so fashion forward to wearing one of her collection the unisex bomber jacket before it's launched in the runway show! To be honest, I wasn't sure how to rock the bomber jacket, randomly I picked wide tied samurai pants + roll in my colorful accessories & Nike woven sneakers! Not to mention, the sakura printed clutch is an exclusive gift from Billy Tjong that ZALORA Indonesia sent to me a week before fashion week. I'm so glad to received a lovely feedback from the designer, she loves it from head to toe.
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
FEATURED: Street Style Jakarta Fashion Week 2015 Day 5 on
HOLY MOLLY MOTHER OF GOD! Another page featured on Street Style Jakarta Fashion Week 2015 day 5. Kaymori the coolest street style photographer in town captured every single details of what people's wearing during Jakarta Fashion Week 2015. Glad that he captured my DIY police hat & featured it on the website. I'll see you on the next even, Kay! Oh anyway, don't forget to JOIN MY GIVEAWAY! You can get a super cool eyewear from POLETTE EYEWEAR. Kindly check the detail on my previous post here.
Friday, November 14, 2014
POLETTE GIVEAWAY: Jakarta Fashion Week 2015 #2 Outfit
It was a sunny day when I attended Jakarta Fashion Week 2015 Day 2 last week. Randomly rolling on my stuffs in the morning before went to the venue. I wore my Xray Bone Black transparent top under a bikers vest and jeans with stamp texts. Actually the jeans cutting wasn't good enough and I'm not confidence to wear the jeans, but my mind changed after I rolled up and make a cuff roll. The jeans looks more awesome on me (narcissism mode: ON). Then I put an eye catching B&W stripped sunnies from Polette Eyewear for a special formula of my grungy & quirky look! You definitely need a super cool sunglasses like mine. Now is your chance to have it for free because I teamed up with Polette Eyewear Indonesia to hosting a GIVEAWAY for you! How to join? Check this out :D
Monday, November 10, 2014
FEATURED: Street Style Jakarta Fashion Week 2015 Day 4 on
Featured on during Jakarta Fashion Week 2015 day 4. I haven't post my second outfit to Jakarta Fashion Week 2015 and this photo already up on the website. No worries! I will update the second look to Jakarta Fashion Week 2015 and will also update about my details outfit here in the next post. Anyway, I'm gonna hosting a giveaway. That would be your early Christmas & New Year presents. WHO'S EXCITED FOR THE GIVEAWAY? :p
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
Love in Monochrome: Jakarta Fashion Week 2015 #1 Outfit
Jakarta Fashion Week 2015 held at Senayan City start from November 1st - 7th. Last Saturday I came to Jakarta Fashion Week 2015 day #1 with my fellow blogger friends. As usual, before watch the show, we jumped to the outdoor area to take some outfit photos! Thank you so so much to my blogger friends Sartob and Atjil Aynna who helped me to took these photos. I feel like its background give me the definition of "Mr Rebel in Town" with the building and the traffic behind me. I'm literally hitting the town as a Mr Rebel!
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
FEATURED: Street Style Jakarta Fashion Week 2015 on
This is the second time for me being featured in the MAJOR fashion website Thank you to the coolest Mr Photographer Kaymori Bronx. He captured the best part of my detail outfit on Jakarta Fashion Week 2015 Day 1 which is my LOVE AS CARD statement bag & Gold Nike Air Max 90. Plus a bonus shot my flawless face & smile! Check more photos here.
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Modern Witch
TRICK or TREAT? Halloween is around the corner guys! Have you prepared what would you wear for halloween? What's your costume? TELL ME! Honestly, I didn't plan anything to do a "HALLOWEEN" shoot like you've seen in the photos. The shoot happened months ago when I was obsessed with gothic, dark and witch look! I just realized these unpublished photos are match enough with end of the month theme a.k.a HALOWEEN! With the help of my sister, her magic hand made my hair kinda like afro big hair. She used hairspray and hairbrush, she brushed my hair ups and downs, then spray the hairspray, pulled it up, she also gave a random blow with hairdryer until finally the hair became messy like a witch! The layering technique of all black eerrtthang outfit is the right choice to make my own costume, and last but not least the touch of broken umbrella as a hand property wasn't a bad idea to replace the magic witch stick. Wasn't it?
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
RIP Oscar De La Renta
Oscar de la Renta died at 82 after a long battle with cancer, a family member confirmed to media sources. De la Renta was born in the Dominican Republic on July 22, 1932 and studied painting at the Academy of San Fernando in Madrid at 18 before starting work in fashion houses in Spain. De La Renta became known for swathing women in silk-taffeta and chiffon gowns that were praised as pieces of art. One of his well known quotes: “There is no sound more feminine than a woman in a taffeta dress.”
Friday, October 17, 2014
My previous post already gave you all the outfit details when I was attending Plaza Indonesia Men's Fashion Week 2014. So here is one moment captured by Kaymori from Such an honor for me to be featured on the newest HITS fashion website in Indonesia. Been dreaming so far to be featured on & my dream is being shooted by Tommy Ton then featured on the number #1 leading fashion website around the world! MAJOR!!! This is a good thing for the first step. Who knows if someday I have a chance to travel to New York, London, Milan and Paris during Fashion Week, I could meet Tommy Ton and of course shooted by himself on the street! *keep dreaming*
Sunday, October 12, 2014
Fashion Confession
Fashion confession of me! I'm not going to lie or hide the truth behind all my outfit. I spent lots of money shopping at women's section. Especially, when I'm looking for pants. I almost bought all my pants from women's section, as you can see my body isn't really big. I'm quite slim! I ended up with a disappointment when I tried some men's pants in fitting room, because none of them fit me well. Then I'm looking to another pants in women's section. Gladly, I found my size there and the pants fit me so well!
Thursday, October 9, 2014
Plaza Indonesia Men's Fashion Week 2014: Patrick Owen
Finally I can come to Plaza Indonesia Men Fashion Week 2014. Tonight show was Patrick Owen show! I'm quite shock when I arrived at the venue, and so many people there! You'll see some strange fact about the fashion show inside this blogpost!
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Sunday, October 5, 2014
Jakarta Fashion Week 2014 Moment
New York Fashion Week, London Fashion Week, Milan Fashion Week and Paris Fashion Week is over. In my country the "Fashion Week" is just about to start! Less than 1 month, Jakarta Fashion Week 2015 ready to grab fashion darling attention in town. The designers are on their way to prepare the collections to the show. Let me bring you a flashback to the memorable and lovely moment during Jakarta Fashion Week 2014 in the backstage, runway and after party. I took some photos with the famous designers and supermodels. Surprisingly, they are so welcome and humble. I could say the famous designer whose design a dress worn by Lady Gaga for Harper's Bazaar in 2011, guess who? You know, right? YESS, Tex Saverio. When I came closer to him then asked him to take a photo together, he replied me with kind answer "Yes, of course! Why not? Where's the camera?" Then he embraced me while pose. He also give me a loobook of his Ready To Wear design. The girls in the photo above are his team, they are so friendly too.
Saturday, September 27, 2014
Paris Van Java
Bandung's weather allows me to wear layering, due to the weather was so cold and windy all day. My hair had a little fight with the wind, but in the photographs it looks flawless. Thank to the uncontrollable wind that given me a cool effect. The photos here were taken by my sister when we were visiting our family in Bandung. We decided to hang out in Paris Van Java (and of course OOTD photos mandatory!). Well, I admit Bandung is one of the stylish city in Indonesia after Jakarta! I enjoyed the stylish atmosphere around Paris Van Java, wondering if someday I walk on the street in "Paris" (French). Speaking of Paris, I still need your favor to vote me on the Street Style Competition that held by Galeries Lafayette. The prize for the first winner is a holiday & shopping trip to Paris. Don't forget to vote me here (click "VOTE" the love symbol above my photo) & pray for me! - Thank you <3
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Attitude is Everything

Who's watching America's Next Top Model cycle 21??? Are you the fan of ANTM??? I regularly share the video of ANTM cycle 21 on my blog. Who's your favorite model on this cycle, anyway? Me, I LOOOOOOOOOVVVVEEEE Lenox and Ben, I really want to see both of them on the finale. I do love the amazing & unique look of Chantalle, too bad she got eliminated earlier. To be honest, I also love Romeo's edgy style, but his attitude is a BIG NO NO! Drama has started from the first episode. Shocking kick off elimination before the judging panel happened at the latest episode I watched & there was also a surprise for Lenox who almost eliminated in the judging panel to stay and run the journey. If you don't understand what I'm talking about here, you better watch the ANTM videos that I shared. Here are the links ANTM cycle 21 episode 1, ANTM cycle 21 episode 2 & 3, ANTM cycle 21 episode 4, and later I will share the latest episode once I got the link. PROMISE :)
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Who said owning black quilted leather bikers jacket is enough? I'm not that person for sure, I don't feel enough with having one only. YOU MUST OWN THE BLACK ONE, at least. BUT, if you can have another color, why not? I'm still looking for another bikers jacket in different colors like brown, red, maroon, blue, even green. Please do let me know if you know where to find that colors! Speaking of the colors, I'm wearing all the colors which I mentioned above. Actually, that's not an easy things to combine 6 different solid dark colors in one look. My hair color also gave their best contribution to this entire look! How do I look then?
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Thursday, September 4, 2014
Basement Shoot!
Everythig in life is temporary. So if things are going good, ENJOY IT! Because it won't last forever. And if things are going bad, don't worry! IT CAN'T LAST FOREVER EITHER! I think I need a retouch to my hair & dye it again into brighter color. My hair color fading away into a darker color as you see in the photos, it's green blended with black now, not turquoise anymore. By the way, you definitely always see me wearing snapback, fedora, beanie, or brim hat. Yes I'm collecting those headwear / headpiece in different colors. The white one brim hat I wore here is a gifted by my friend from his trip to Amsterdam few months ago. I've been so obsessed on wearing kinda of semi formal attire lately, but too lazy to tied up my shoelace. So I prefer to walk in fashionable sandal. Well another happiness come out when I received a box of pair birkenstock sandal from @Priskymainstore, that's what exactly I was looking for!!! It's really comfortable to walk in, you can also pick your favorite color because they have so many color choices. Go check their collection on instagram, guys!
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
Sunday, August 24, 2014
Street Style Competition
Today I have bunch plans of doing nothing all day in my bed. Such a lazy Sunday! Time to relax and break the legs :D Spent my whole Saturday night yesterday at my room watching Lady Gaga's concert on YouTube from ArtRave Ball back to The Monster Ball until I fell asleep and forgot to click publish on this post. I'm too enjoyed with the concert! Lady Gaga is my inspiration in fashion, beside her sense of fashion & awesome style I also got influence by street style people around the world. Everytime I see street style page on STYLE.COM, Facehunter, The Sartorialist, Carolines Mode, Monsieur Jerome, Le 21eme and any other website, I admired how creative they are on mixing their clothes between the branded & unbranded becoming an extraordinary style formula. Not to mention, their self confidence on creating an individual style on the street incredibly AMAZING!!! Seems like I need to learn and join self confidence course with them :)
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Polette Eyewear
Introducing you all to a super stylish Nagoya sunnies (name of the sunglasses) which I wore in this post. Eyewear brand called Polette sent me the sunglasses all the way from French. Polette released in 2012 for France and Europe market and now they are shipping world wide. Cool, isn't? They design prescription and non-prescription glasses as a new essential accessory to shine through daily outfit. Polette offers highly-competitive price with no compromise on quality. Go go go check their collection on to match your style. Polette sells sober to eccentric eyewear designs, always with fancy style. Oh, do you have your own design? Tell them, send them the design, and they will make it for you. Polette is an online revolution that will change the way you shop your glasses!
Monday, August 11, 2014
Prince Voodoo
Please give a warm hug to welcoming the brand new of me :) This is my first outfit post after my last post on my birthday slash Eid Fitri edition. I usually change my look every year on my birthday just to celebrate my half soul and to reborn the new me. Last year I introduced you to my alter ego King Fahad, the extravagant guy from another planet. This year, I will introduce you to Prince Voodoo Fahad, the statement and bold guy with brand new turquoise ombre hair. I know you all might be surprise to see my medium hair back even the color changed into turquoise. It's not hair extension please! The fact is I don't cut my hair off in my previous post. I only tied it up & showed my front part hair like a short hair cut preppy guy or I'm hiding my hair under hat / kopiah. I heard you guys already love my short hair cut, don't you? I do love that too. Maybe someday I will have that hair cut but not now.
Thursday, August 7, 2014
Thursday, July 31, 2014
Eid Mubarak - Eid Milad
EID MUBARAK TO ALL MUSLIM IN THE WORLD WHO CELEBRATE. Minal Aidin Wal Faidzin ya Akhi & Ukhti. May Allah blessed your Ramadhan and till we meet again dear Ramadhan Kareem. Beside its EID MUBARAK, it's also my family EID MILAD week. EID MILAD means Happy Birthday in english. I feel blessed to have a birthday right 3 days after my Abah's Birthday, and my Abah's Birthday was the day after tomorrow from my little sister, then finally my super Mom birthday is the day after tomorrow from my birthday. Confused with the exact date? My sister July 25th, My Abah July 27th, My birthday July 30th, and My Mom August 1st. Can you imagine we all LEO family under one roof? WHAT A CELEBRATION! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME! YE YE YE! I'm turning 23rd this year <3
Thursday, July 24, 2014
See you when I see you
Hello hello hello! How you guys doing? I hope you guys doing well ya :) This is just a quick short post about my outfit. Have nothing to say but my jumper speak louder. I just wanna send my virtual support to all my beautiful blogger friends who join TRESemme Style Seeker Hunt Road to New York! Since few months ago, my timeline full with your challenge post about TRESemme x GoGirl #RoadToNewYork #MBFW. Good luck, good luck and good luck to all of you! You all are amazing, that's gonna be a tough decision for the judges to pick who will win the competition. The lucky winners will fly to New York Fashion Week this September!!! They will watch NYFW live with all the fashion darlings there. *envy* A little bit sad I can't join the competition because the competition is only for female bloggers. Hhhmm, no worries! I'll find my way to New York City. See you in New York City :D
Monday, July 21, 2014
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
The Apartment
Be as simple as I am today, makes people around me wonder "why you changed your style?". Gosh! This is what I call refreshment. I just need some refreshment from my extraordinary daily appearance as ever. I'd like to try something new because I don't wanna stay in the same line for my entire life. Let me try this look first, OK? See first, complain later! Please note that I don't wanna give myself a limitation for my style with one style only. How fun fashion is that you can express yourself with the clothes you are wearing without having to speak, you can be what you want to be and you can change your character at the same time. I will approve that I CAN rock this style and that style in my own way.
Thursday, July 10, 2014
The Very First Indonesia Blogger Magazine
Read the full article inside or download here
Friday, July 4, 2014
Hi people! At this current situation I've heard lot of bad / negative issue about candidates for election in my country, like too much! Everytime I open my social media like facebook, twitter, path, even instagram. There are so many black campaign on my timeline, pro and contra, support, and they also make a joke about the both candidates. LOL ~ That makes me curious about what might you think about me? Are you thinking about a good things or bad things? Tell me what's on your mind, I wanna hear your opinion!
Saturday, June 28, 2014
Too Cool For School
Last week I made a little surprise birthday party for my best "silly" high school friend. Then we went out for lunch and had afternoon drink. On the table we talked a lot about our wonderful moment in high school. Lots of laugh in the middle of our conversation. Duuuuh, that moment makes me miss my high school life so freaking bad. If only I had a whenever 'magic' door like doraemon, I would love to visit my life as a teenagers when I'm wearing white and grey school uniform. I remember those days I was hoping to move my fucking ass to University. Then now, I wish I could go back to school!
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Mr Rebel x ZALORA
I couldn't be more happier to have a blog-mate from the same city I live in. I was looking for that since I'm into blogging. My blog-mate from blog-sphere is Chrisnawati Novia Sari from Chris+novia, and we both are living in the same city (Bogor) and we are actually a 2 / 3km neighbors LOL ~ anyway, we had a great weekend to chit chat and took each other photos for our new post. After a loooooooonngg long long time & re-scheduled few time we finally decided to set a blog-date on the weekend. Our free time is only on the weekend, because we are working on the weekdays. Huffff, so many things to do, so little time! Maybe, we even can only go to mall for shopping once a month or not at all. SAD SAD SAD! So many shopping store out there, but so little time to shop. I'm grateful about digital world support us to do online shop wherever, whenever, anytime, anywhere. Yes online shopping is the best answer and it's really really helpful for a super duper busy person like us to satisfy our shopping libido. We are able to choose the apparels thru our phone, tablet, laptop or PC screen. Well, for those who got headache in finding an trusted online shop, I'm highly recommend you a huge online shopping ZALORA.
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
The most awaited season finally arrived, summer vibe is all around guys. So mostly people wears colorful clothes in this season, meanwhile not for me! I'm deeply in the mood for black & white these day without adding any other pop color. I actually almost never wore only black & white color for my entire look. Then why not trying to wear the both timeless color together? Black & white is absolutely the easiest color to combine. Correct?
Saturday, June 7, 2014
1st Anniversary UNIQLO - Jakarta
June 4th, Japan retail brand UNIQLO just celebrated its first anniversary in Jakarta. The first anniversary party took a place at The Foundry 8, SCBD. I met bunch of fashionista, blogger friends, and not to mention my old friends. The super model Kimmy Jayanti & Dimas Beck hosted the event, also DJ Elly Rose from Japan was spinning all night to embrace the atmosphere. Well, Happy 1st Anniversary UNIQLO!
Sunday, June 1, 2014
Double not Trouble
Hello my gorgeous readers! It's been a long time I didn't greet and say 'hello' to you all. By the way, Welcome to the new chapter of your 2014 life story, today you have entered page 152 or first page in chapter 6th. How's your life story so far? Happy? Sad? Confuse? Great or not? No matter how big your problem is, tell your problem that your God is bigger even the BIGGEST of all than the problem. You are blessed just the way you are.
Friday, May 30, 2014
2nd Winner Fashion Heaven Blog Writing Contest
Sunday, May 25, 2014
Black is the new COLORFUL

When in doubt on choosing what to wear, I suggest you to wear black. When in doubt on shopping time, buy it in black. Darker colors tends to look more expensive as you can't see imperfections as closely. I'll stop wearing black when they invent a darker color. For me black is such a happy color and black is the new colorful!
Monday, May 19, 2014
Statement Piece
Once people stop talking to you, they start talking about you. They are talking about you just because their lives are too boring. Be positive! It means your life more interesting than they are. Don't respond, don't get affected by them all. Keep living your life and keep smiling about it. Eliminate those person who don't deserve in your life anymore.
Thursday, May 15, 2014
Denim Fever
Word can't describe how happy I am when receive an email from Grand Indonesia. Still remember "Fashion Heaven" in my previous post? The story behind the post is I had joined a blog writing competition which held by Grand Indonesia Shopping Town, the result is............ I WON as 2nd runner up Fashion Heaven Blog Writing Contest. The prize is H&M Shopping Voucher worth Rp 2.500.000,- and an extra special give from Grand Indonesia. WOHOOOOO!!! I'm ready for another shopping spree at H&M. I think I want buy a new denim there & pair of shoes. Speaking of denim, can you count how many denim apparel in your wardrobe? Pants, shirt, short, vest, jacket, skirt, even dungaree. Well, I don't really care actually how many denim outfit that fulfill your wardrobe. LOL ~ However, surely you can never be satisfied with only having one denim. Right?
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Saturday, May 10, 2014
Fashion Blogger Indonesia Liebster Award

Firstly, I would love to say thank Habiba Pratiwi from My Colour Life you nominated my as one of the blogger for Liebster Award. The Liebster award is an initiative designed to promote new or small blogs with less than 200 followers, Just check these out!
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
Maroon or Burgundy?
As a men, you are required to have an appropriate blazer for a formal occasion and also match for a semi formal occasion. Don't know since when I love wearing blazer (if you seen my previous posts then, I always wearing blazer lately), especially this blazer in maroon / burgundy (lil bit confuse with the color). Hhmm, is it because I grow up or because blazer can give me a perfect effect? Both of them might the answer. I'm gonna tell you where I bought the blazer, but can you promise to not scream? Please don't! PROMISE?
Sunday, May 4, 2014
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